We make Riesling differently, in a special way, and also thought-provoking. We want to offer our customers high-quality wines, wines that show their origins and are authentic, far removed from the masses. No frills, no tricks, pure wine! Steep slopes are lived and desired, the steeper the better.

The vineyards are located on the steep slopes of Bernkastel, Liesertal, Wehlen and Ürzig. A large part of the area is planted with ungrafted and very old vines. Each vineyard has its own characteristics. Each type of soil in combination with the location and its associated microclimate results in a unique wine with a specific character. The winery is certified as an organic operation.
Slate is the classic location for Riesling. There are many good vineyards. But the undisputed “master class” is the steep slope. Only this has the microclimate and soil that turns a good Riesling into a great Riesling. Steep slopes are lived and desired, the more the better.

As a rule, we have no influence during the wine-making process. On the contrary: the work in the cellar is reduced to “nothing”: there are no additives, no finings and even filtration is only carried out at the end of the aging process, just before bottling. On the other hand, we work very hard on qualitative improvements in the vineyard. Every step of the process, no matter how small, is considered here. The harvest itself takes place in several steps and from late harvest quality onwards, every grape is subjected to a strict selection process.

We continue to pursue the path to the best possible quality – without compromise. In recent years, we have again
Plots of land with ungrafted Riesling vines were purchased from a very old stock. Other plots in Noviand were newly planted. With a planting density of 10,000 vines per hectare (!). This high planting density - which has been forgotten today - allows us to achieve very deep and far better rooting in the mineral slate soil. A lower yield per vine and thus less strain on the vine is a positive side effect.

The Fries winery structures its wines according to this pattern:
dry wines
Erste Lage
Große Lage
sweet wines
Große Lage AUSLESE
We make Riesling differently, in a special way, and also thought-provoking. We want to offer our customers high-quality wines, wines that show their origins and are authentic, far removed from the masses. No frills, no tricks, pure wine! Steep slopes are lived and desired, the steeper the better.

The vineyards are located on the steep slopes of Bernkastel, Liesertal, Wehlen and Ürzig. A large part of the area is planted with ungrafted and very old vines. Each vineyard has its own characteristics. Each type of soil in combination with the location and its associated microclimate produces a unique wine with a specific character. The winery is certified as an organic operation. Slate is the classic location for Riesling. There are many good vineyards. The “master class” is, however, the steep slope. Only this has the microclimate and soil that turns a good Riesling into a great Riesling. Steep slopes are lived and desired, the more the better.

As a rule, we have no influence during the wine-making process. On the contrary: the work in the cellar is reduced to “nothing”: there are no additives, no finings and even filtration is only carried out at the end of the aging process, just before bottling. On the other hand, we work very hard on qualitative improvements in the vineyard. Every little step is considered here. The harvest itself takes place in several steps and from late harvest quality onwards, every
Grape subjected to strict selection.

We continue to pursue the path to the best possible quality - without compromise. In recent years, we have bought a few plots of ungrafted Riesling vines in a very old stock. Other plots in Noviand were newly planted. With a planting density of 10,000 vines per hectare (!). This high planting density - which has been forgotten today - allows us to achieve very deep and far better rooting in the mineral slate soil. A lower yield per vine and thus less strain on the vine is a positive side effect.
Our wines are our passion. It doesn't matter whether you prefer an uncomplicated wine for drinking EVERY DAY or whether you say: I need a good, unusual tipple. A LAGENWEIN or PRÄDIKATSWEIN is perfect for this. Because we believe that unforgettable days deserve unforgettable wines, we have put everything we can into the GREAT GROWTH wines.
Variety is good, too much variety is stressful. One of the most important trends of recent years: simplicity. On a normal day, you drink a normal but good bottle of wine. On a special day that was simply perfect and you had a rare moment of happiness, you might like to reach for a slightly better bottle. Many people drink certain wines on certain days and for certain occasions.
The day makes the wine
"I want a simple, dry wine that I can drink on the terrace in the evening. It has to be easy to drink, but not too complicated."
A wine for every day: ESTATE WINES or CABINET WINES
“Today was a really beautiful day. Everything was so harmonious. The people were so friendly. Somehow everything was just right. Let's open a special bottle of wine this evening and end the day in a really nice way.”
For a particularly beautiful day, we recommend our LAGENWEINE or a SPÄTLESE
"I'm celebrating my birthday soon. To mark this extraordinary occasion, I would like to end the evening with an equally extraordinary drink with my closest friends. I would like to have a few suitable bottles in the cellar for this day and for such events."
For this special day or for an extraordinary event, a GROßES GEWÄCHS or an AUSLESE is the perfect companion.
Unsere Qualitätspyramide basiert auf dem Prinzip des Terroirs. Je erlesener die Herkunft, desto unverwechselbarer und charakterstärker präsentiert sich die Qualität. Die Weinlage übt dabei einen maßgeblichen Einfluss auf die Qualität des Weines aus. Besonders im Bereich der trockenen Weine spiegelt das Terroir den einzigartigen Geschmack wider. Im Prädikatsweinbereich prägt besonders die Sortierung überreifer Beeren die Weine. Daher tragen restsüße Weine zusätzlich die traditionellen Prädikate wie Kabinett, Spätlese, Auslese und Beerenauslese